Accelerate Your Startup

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At Lantern, our Startup Accelerator Program is designed to empower early-stage startups seeking seed funding with the knowledge, skills, and connections they need to succeed in today's competitive landscape.

  • Program Goals: Our program aims to help startups refine their business models, develop minimum viable products (MVPs), secure funding, and accelerate their growth trajectory.
  • Target Audience: Early-stage startups with innovative ideas and high growth potential.
  • Program Duration: A 3-month intensive program featuring weekly workshops, mentoring sessions, and networking events.
  • Key Benefits: Startups can expect personalized mentorship, access to industry experts, hands-on training, and networking opportunities with investors and fellow entrepreneurs.

Program Components:

  • Mentorship: Our program offers one-on-one mentorship from seasoned entrepreneurs, industry experts, and investors who provide valuable insights and guidance.
  • Workshops and Training: Startups participate in workshops covering essential topics such as business model canvas, product development, marketing strategies, and fundraising tactics.
  • Networking Opportunities: Participants have the opportunity to connect with potential investors, strategic partners, and fellow entrepreneurs through networking events and pitch sessions.
  • Resources: Startups receive access to co-working space, funding opportunities, legal and accounting services, and technology tools to support their growth.

Success Stories:

  • Discover the success stories of startups that have graduated from our program and gone on to achieve significant milestones and scale their businesses.

Application Process:

Ready to accelerate your startup journey? Apply now for our Startup Accelerator Program. Eligibility criteria and application details are provided on our website.

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